Bumble Bee Ball Pythons are simply amazing. The Spider Ball
Python's Webbed design and its high white sides work amazingly with the Pastel Ball Python's . The Bumble Bee has beautiful
green eyes. Bumble Bee Ball Pythons are a must have in any collection!
The Bumble Bee Ball Python was
produced in 2001 by Kevin McCurley of NERD (New England Reptiles Distributors). The Bumble Bee is a result of breeding a Pastel
Ball Python to a Spider Ball Python. The Bumble Bee is a triple threat morph.
When bred to normal females you produce three different morphs - Bumble Bees, Spiders, and Pastel Jungles. In addition
you also produce normal wild type offspring. When you breed a Bumble Bee to a normal ball python, you should produce
- 25% Bumble Bees, 25% Spiders, 25% Pastel Jungles, and 25% normal’s.