
Pastel Ball Pythons Living Art Reptiles

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Pastel Ball Pythons Living Art Reptiles.

Scientific Name: Python Regius
Common Name: Ball Python / Royal Python
Pastel Jungle
Genetics: Color Mutation - Co-Dominant (Greg Graziani)
Pastel Ball Pythons are a great investment due to the fact that you get results in first generation breeding. Pastels Ball pythons have great coloration, they are yellow and Black with white on the sides that come up from the belly. Pastels Ball Pythons also have clear patternless stomachs and golden eyes. Pastel Ball Pythons are a must have in any collection!
Graziani acquired their first male Pastel Jungle Ball Python in 1994. He was imported from Africa through a small importer in Miami FL. This is just one of their signature mutations produced first at Graziani Reptiles in 1997. Pastel Jungles were proven co-dominant in 2001 by Kevin McCurley of NERD (New England Reptiles Distributors).

Pastel Ball Pythons Living Art Reptiles

Lemon Pastel Ball Python Living Art Reptiles
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