
Ball Pythons Average Growth

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Ball Pythons Python Regius average weight growth:

The following charts were documented by Cheryl Marchek:

The following charts are not a scientific study. These are notes on the average weight gained per month reflected in a group of 15 neonates. Weights were taken approximately once per month.

Remember snakes like people have different metabolisms and grow at different rates, there is always going to be the exception to the rule. The following chart is basically an average growth rate for this particular group of Ball Pythons / Python Regius. 

Ball Pythons average weight growth Cheryl Marchek

Ball Pythons average weight growth Cheryl Marchek

I hope this information helps some first time breeders and keepers. Thank you for your time.


Best of luck,
Living Art Reptiles.
Source Information:
Cheryl Marcheck.
Chart: Cheryl Marcheck.

Ball Python care and maintenance

  • Disclaimer: please read before using this site. Any information posted on this web site is for general entertainment and educational purposes only, and should not be construed as medical advice, medical opinion, diagnosis or treatment. Any information provided by this web site is not a substitute for actual medical attention. Always promptly consult your licensed veterinary health-care professional for your pet's medical advice and treatment. 

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